sleep terror造句

"sleep terror"是什么意思   


  1. Parasomnias which occur deep in NREM sleep also include sleep terrors and confusional arousals.
  2. Sleep terrors begin in children between the ages of 3 and 12, and usually dissipate during adolescence.
  3. The prevalence of sleep terror episodes has been estimated at 1 6 % among children, and at less than 1 % of adults.
  4. Sleep terrors in children are also more likely to occur in males than females; in adults, the ratio between sexes is equal.
  5. Seizures and stimulations of the cingulate cortex in human beings elicit several motor, autonomic and emotional responses that are similar to those seen in sleepwalking and sleep terror.
  6. It's difficult to find sleep terror in a sentence. 用sleep terror造句挺难的
  7. Also, older children and adults provide highly detailed and descriptive images associated with their sleep terrors compared to younger children, who either cannot recall or only vaguely remember.
  8. Parasomnias are a class represented by nightmares, sleep terrors, night terrors, schizophrenia, certain mood disorders, and other conditions which arise during Stage 4 of sleep.
  9. On a good night, Martin might observe a narcoleptic, a patient thrashing violently or a child besieged by sleep terrors, a condition in which dreaming patients wake up screaming.
  10. A night terror, also known as a sleep terror or " pavor nocturnus ", is a parasomnia disorder that predominantly affects children, causing feelings of terror or dread.
  11. Such disorders include sleepwalking and sleep terrors, which are associated with other stages of sleep, nocturnal seizures and obstructive sleep apnea which can induce arousals from REM sleep associated with complex behaviors.
  12. In June 2007, it was revealed that Decrepit Birth bassist Risha Eryavac had joined the band, and it was later announced that Sleep Terror guitarist Luke Jaeger would complete the group's lineup.
  13. "' Night terror "', also known as "'sleep terror "', is a sleep disorder, causing feelings of terror or dread, and typically occurs during the first hours of stage 3-4 non-rapid eye movement ( NREM ) sleep.
  14. Following this work, he went on to describe the presence of elevated upper airway resistance in children in 1982, emphasizing the symptoms of attention deficit, hyperactivity, and abnormal behavior during wakefulness and sleep, learning disabilities and sleepwalking, sleep terrors and enuresis that accompanied this form of sleep-related breathing disorder; he described the same syndrome in adults and penned the term " upper airway resistance syndrome " ( UARS ) in adults.


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